Cheese is a food product made of the milk of livestock: cows, goats, sheep, buffaloes. It usually has a light yellow color
or white color. Mold in cheeses with mold may be white,
bluish-green or dark red color.
Cheese is one of the most high-calorie foods. The nutritional value is due to the high concentration of protein and fat. Depending on the variety, 100 g contains 15-27% protein, 20-32% fat. The energy value of 100 g of imitation cheese is up to 450 kcal.
It has a pronounced cheesy, rich sweet-nut spicy taste. This fine cheese is known for big holes, the size of which can reach 3 centimeters in diameter. Radomer can be unmistakably recognized even with closed eyes: by pungent aroma and sweet spicy taste, which light rosé wine will successfully emphasize.
It has a curd, rich sweet-spicy taste. This noble cheese is known for its large eyes, the size of which can reach 3 centimeters in diameter.
Grand cheese with walnuts and fenugreek of the Butter Plant of Kherson is a cheese with the addition of walnuts and fenugreek (fenugreek).
A distinctive feature of this cheese is a moderately pronounced cheesy taste with light notes of baked milk. The cheese has a delicate, pliable consistency and an image, consisting of the holes of irregular angular and slit shape, the color - pliable golden. The cheese combines a rich flavor and fragrance profile.
Cheese "Vintage" refers to elite cheeses with a refined taste. This is a cream cheese with a pleasant pronounced cheese taste.
It has a pronounced cheesy taste with a delicate sweet-nut flavor. The unique rich taste and aroma of this cheese, with a light, piquant spice and a pleasant aftertaste, will satisfy the sophisticated tastes of the most fastidious cheese gourmands. On the cut the image has many round or oval-shaped big holes.
Moderate cheese taste (from slightly sweet to spicy), without extraneous tastes and odors. The taste is slightly sour, the presence of slight bitterness is allowed.
Creamy cheese of the Butter Plant of Kherson is one of the most popular cheeses that consumers appreciate for the traditional creamy taste and aroma of milk cream.
Remember the most delicious hours of childhood, because cheese "Rosiiskyi" has the same favorite and familiar taste! It is produced by classical technology. It has a pronounced cheesy, lightly acidic flavor. Increased fat content - 50% - makes the taste of the cheese more oleaginous and delicate, and the texture - more pliable. On the cut it has an image, consisting of the holes of irregular and slit shape.
Made by classical technology. It has a pronounced cheesy, lightly acidic taste and a wonderful characteristic aroma. Despite all the variety of cheeses presented in stores, many consumers prefer to buy time-tested varieties of cheeses. One of the national favorites is cheese "Hollandskyi" – a representative, which is universal and not the most expensive.
Maazdam is a cheese that has a cheesy, slightly sweet taste. On the section, the pattern consists of round or slightly oval eyes. It is a decoration for any table.
It has a pronounced cheesy taste, lightly sweet, with a nutty tint that is supplemented with a lightly acidic and delicate spicy and fragrant flavor. All these flavor notes emphasize the delicacy of the taste of this type of cheese. Dough is pliable and homogeneous throughout the entire mass. On the cut, an image has numerous round or oval-shaped holes.
It has a pronounced cheesy taste with the presence of piquancy and light sourness. It is because of its characteristic special taste that the cheese entered the golden treasury of the Ukrainian cheese making industry. Dough is pliable, lightly fragile at bend. On cut it has an image, consisting of the holes of irregular and slit shape.
Cheese "Gouda" with fenugreek has an original creamy taste with nutty notes, which you fall in love with from the first bite.
Сheese "Alpiiskyi" with the aroma of melted milk has a special characteristic taste and aroma of melted milk, without extraneous tastes and smell.
Сheese "Askaniiskyi" has a pleasant delicate curd taste with subtle milky notes.
Cheese "Marmurovyi" is one of the types of product that is included in the list of the most popular and consumed food products.
Cheese "Gouda" has a convincing taste and aroma. Mass fraction of total fat in dry matter 50.0% ± 1.6%.
Cheese "Duplet" differs that it has two colors. This product is appreciated by consumers for its curd, slightly sour taste and the presence of a slight bitterness.
It has a pronounced cheesy taste, lightly acidic with a pleasant spicy flavor. On cut it has an image, consisting of the holes of irregular and slit shape. The consistency is delicate and homogeneous, the taste and aroma are highly competitive with natural cheese of this kind. Value-quality ratio will be a welcome surprise for you!
It has a pronounced cheesy taste, lightly sweet, with a nutty tint that is supplemented with a lightly acidic and delicate spicy and fragrant flavor. All these flavor notes emphasize the delicacy of the taste of this type of cheese. Dough is pliable and homogeneous throughout the entire mass. On the cut, an image has numerous round or oval-shaped holes.
Cheese "Myslyvski" is a milk-containing cheese product with paprika. Cheese "Myslyvski" with paprika has a taste and smell of paprika.